I am on the way to Beijing to take on the responsibilities of Director-General of the International Network for Bamboo and Rattan (INBAR).  The Headquarters of INBAR are in China, and maybe surprisingly it is still the only inter-governmental organisation that has established its global seat in Beijing.

These first weeks will be a time of familiarising and learning, but already I have gathered that bamboo and rattan have amazing qualities not just for livelihoods improvement in the producing countries, but also for climate change adaptation and mitigation, for landscape restoration and enhancing resilience of local communities, for industrial construction and architectural design, for renewable energy production and more.

Bamboo flooring Copyright all rights reserved by INBAR

Bamboo flooring Copyright all rights reserved by INBAR

During the coming weeks and months, I will be reviewing many of these qualities, and provide examples of how bamboo and rattan play a role in sustainable development and in bolstering the green economy.  I will talk about what INBAR and its members do, but my blog provides a personal take on the issues – it is not the official website of the organisation, and my musings should not be taken as institutional statements.

Let me finish by wishing you all a very Happy New Year.